I cannot believe how much has happened in a month. MY word! Oy Vey.
Well what can I tell you about life? Hmmmm....
Days are continuing to go by and my life is a swirl of craziness! I am rediscovering the goodness of a lot of old friendships and beginning some new and very encouraging and wonderful friendships as well. :o) I feel my life... changing again. I don't know what exactly this will mean... but I know that the next chapter in my life is beginning soon. I feel the last one coming to a meaningful and fulfilling close.
I have done a LOT of reflecting in the past few weeks, reading through old journals... thinking about different parts of my life and I feel so grateful for today. A lot of times I felt like my heart and mind were being jerked around or suddenly halted so I felt like my whole world would just collapse. I know days like that will come again but today I feel some peace, knowing that my life will always be in the Lord's hands...
I have spent an extreme amount of time knitting in the last month... I'll show you some projects.
Yes, all 3 Of these pairs of socks were done in the last month, maybe 2. And this scarf and I am in the middle of another pair of socks and another scarf. I love it. It truly is therapeutic! I can sit and dream and pray and enjoy the satisfaction of creating something beautiful!
I have also read an entire book with about 470 pages in about a 48 hour timespan. Wow. IT was crazy. but keep in mind, it quite possibly may be my favorite book! Other than the Bible of course. It's called Redeeming Love. If you have never read it. Find it. It's by Francine Rivers and it is based on the book of Hosea. it is so beautiful. and So life giving. I love it!
And now... back to work for me. Yay Starbucks! :P Oy.
More soon -- I promise :o)
Yay! You finally updated your blog! I love all of your projects... and I love that you are so happy! :)
mento's!!! I didn't know you had a blog. I miss you soo much. you don't come to gyc any more so I never see you. you have done so much with your life and I will always look up to you. forgive my spelling, and blog more offten.lol.
Aw, that's great friend! I'm glad you are so happy! : ) Isn't it great when suddenly life just gets better? Or maybe it's not so sudden... maybe it's always getting better even when it feels like it is getting worse, and rather than looking at the getting better we tend to focus on the getting worse. I'm so thankful that God is patient and never gives up on showing us how much life is getting better!
I missed the update...so happy to see you so happy. You sure add sunshine to my life, even when you are ummmmm, uhhhhhhh... like you were last night when you arrived and I was having to move my car. lol You're so much fun and I'm glad I get to spend some of your time with you!
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